Monday, December 19, 2011


So i have seen a few things on popsicle stick bracelets, thought they were all so cool. AND SO CHEAP! so i decided to try them myself.

There are MANY MANY ways to make them as i find out. The molding part i found took a while, so i would start the molding part a day or 2 before the crafting part.


Popsicle sticks. I think the thicker the better. I bought these at Hobby Lobby for like $1.99 or something and there are a bunch in there.

Now when preparing how many you are going to do, prepare some extras. i started off with six, 2 broke in the process. so plan ahead on that. :)

Next, I would suggest boiling them. I boiled them on medium for 30 min, then i actually let them sit and soak another hour.
that is the way I do, but i hear you can just go straight to boiling them on high for 15-20 min.

The first tutorial i saw it said, let them soak in water overnight. (which also works, boiling them just speeds up the process.)

Once they are all "bendy like" CAREFULLY put them in the top of a glass. (if you have one that is small enough to fit in your wrist) i used a few different glasses the first time and silly me, a couple of them turned more like a "U" shape, did not fit around my wrist. I have seen on another tutorial find an object about wrist size and rubber band it from the outside. (will share that link at the end, for a different tutorial)

I let them sit in the glass overnight, and in the morning i had this :)

From this point you can paint it, decorate it, bedazzle it, wrap it in hemp or yarn, well this point you can make it your own ;)

I tend to add buttons to whatever i can find. so i used some craft acrylic paint, some buttons and a hot glue gun

i just painted it yellow, and hot glued some buttons on it and VOILA'

As i said before, there are MANY ways to do it or decorate it, check out This Blog for AMAZING popsicle stick bracelets or This one for some more ideas.
As i say in most of my blogs, i would love to see pictures of yours as well :)

Hope you enjoy!

<3 amanda ;)

Sunday, December 18, 2011

wrapper bracelets

When i was younger, i used to make jewelery out of wrappers and magezine pages. one of my friends showed me how to do this with gum wrappers and we made them all the time. Now, many years later, I had forgotten all about them. Well I was browsing on one of my favorite sites ( and i see someone had posted this and all the memories of sitting in the school hallway came back to me.

They are so easy to make and so much fun with being able to use gum wrappers, candy wrappers, magezine pages, wax paper, foil. anything you can fold, you can use.
you dont even have to do a bracelet. i used to make keychains, chokers (i was younger, i thought it was cool :) even small rings or earrings.

You can get the tutorial fom HERE.

If you do one, i would love to see pictures and ideas of things you use. i will be making one myself here shortly, just had to share while i stumbled on it :)